MMGAC have added INSUL to the list of diagnostic tools to assist with the ever increasing number of markets supported and acoustic related materials evaluated . This is to help our clients with better understanding of the various materials available, which they would like to consider in their projects, irrespective of the market.
MMG Acoustical Consultants have no account in LINKEDIN, FACEBOOK, other network groups and can be accessed via the contact information provided.
Any communications with other entities claiming to be MMG Acoustical Consultants or MMGAC is completely under own risk.
"As of 1st October 2015, we are now member firm of National Council of Acoustical Consultants, USA," We are listed on their website.This allows us to compare our services at par with international acoustical consultants.
MMG Acoustical Consultants added Sound Plan Essential to the list of diagnostic tools to assist with the ever increasing number of environmental and industrial noise control concerns faced by clients. This is to help our clients with better understanding of the noise impact of mechanical equipment on the neighborhood and help them take informed discussion.
Leo Beranek, founder of WCVB, dies at 102.
We Provide Experienced, Independent, Professional Consulting Services.