Community Noise Control

Community noise control or Environmental noise control in cities, as it is called, is a relatively new field, which arose with

  • The growth of cities and overpopulated areas.
  • Development of road, rail and air traffic in previously unaffected areas.
  • Unplanned conversion of residential zones into commercial and or industrial zones and vice versa.
  • Unauthorized/ unplanned locations of electromechanical systems like diesel powered generators nearby quieter boundaries.

People, prefer to have some control of their noise environment to reduce the intrusion of external, unnecessary noise into their private spaces, whether it is in an office, in the home or even while listening to their own music- basically their "own peace of mind". This is a growing concern, with increased lack of tolerance among neighbors because of

  • The basic property of sound to dissipate by traveling outwards from the source.
  • The reduction of distances between the source and receivers.

Some typical sources of noise concern are noise from industrial zones, HVAC chillers, cooling towers, generators, alarms, bars, pubs, discotheques, road traffic, rail traffic and in some places also air traffic. Some of the above sources can generate sound waves that will propagate several kilometers and generate substantial nuisance and annoyance to neighbors and others alike.

Many cities across the world have very stringent noise ordinances and rules, which deal seriously with noise offenders. This is to provide a better environment to the public. The Air Act in India, has some stringent expectations, which needs to be designed on early in the project.

This field deals with sound, its reaction and travel in the outside air/environment, which is different from room acoustics. Some of the more important factors, which must be taken into account to study the noise propagation, are temperature, humidity, wind directions, obstacles like buildings, terrain, and nature of the noise source and conditions of reception by affected personnel.

An initial site evaluation can identify problems from existing noise that would impact planned usage or difficulty of quieting planned operations. A full evaluation of existing situations requires a visit and measurements. Noise controls can be developed and incorporated in the design of new facilities. Software such as SOUND PLAN can be considered as a part of services, as support from Stewart Acoustical Consultants.

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